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Make a will online in less than 15 minutes

Every document is checked by a fully qualified UK solicitor. Join thousands of families and get peace of mind in minutes.

Get started

Single will £60.00 | Pair of wills £90.00 | Printing and postage (optional) from £15.00

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Members of the Society of Will Writers


Every will checked by a solicitor

How to write a will online in less than 15 minutes

1: Add your details

Answer a couple of questions about yourself.

2: Nominate executors

Choose who you want to manage your estate.

3: Decide who gets what

Also state your funeral wishes and who will look after your children, if you have any.

4: Review

Check a full summary and only pay once you are ready.

5: Receive your will

…by email or post. The will is checked by a solicitor within 2 working days.

6: Update whenever you want

Make free changes for 28 days or Lifetime Updates for just £10 a year


How to Make a Will Online


We are members of the Society of Will Writers and subscribe to its code of conduct. The Society of Will Writers is a non-profit making self-regulatory organisation whose primary objectives are the advancement, education and ethical standards within the will writing profession.

Make a will online

Join thousands of people who choose for their last will and testament.

Every will is checked by our expert team so you can enjoy complete peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

We are here to help if you have any questions during the will writing process.

Can I make a will online?

If you are aged 18 or over and of sound mind, you can make a will online. Once you complete the will, all you need to do is print it out (all wills need to be physical documents), bind all the pages together (e.g. with a staple), date the will, then get the will “executed”. This involves signing the document in front of two independent adult witnesses who should also sign the will and enter their names and addresses.


Receive a printed and bound copy of your will for just £15

Log in and make updates to your will for just £10 per year (optional)



Our wills are valid for property held in England and Wales. If you have property overseas, you should check local laws and, if necessary, create a separate document to cover the foreign property.

Online Wills Frequently Asked Questions